SG Metal Ball Base

Blade Base: SG Metal Ball Base

Weight: 7.2g plus up to four 1/4" Metal Balls (1.05g each)

    • Large, lumpy base with capacity for up to four 1/4" metal balls (comes with two stock)

    • Ability to use 4 metal balls and a Heavy Metal Core makes it one of the heaviest bases in Plastics - second to configurations using First Clutch Base (Zeus Version), Right Engine Gear (Circle Defenser) and Circle Survivor, which is less versatile than SG Metal Ball Base. Even then, SG Metal Ball Base can technically outweigh it with a heavier-than-average Heavy Metal Core or impractically bulky base clips.

    • This, combined with a metal ball tip that allows for versatile movement made it a staple choice for Weight Based Defense, and a useful base for aggressive launching (especially as it is able to recover from failed attempts quite well as the tip allows it to right itself at high RPM).

    • Like Metal Ball Base, the balls are intended to roll outwards due to centripetal motion when the Base is spinning quickly, increasing stability, and then rolling inwards as this reduces to retain RPM more effectively. However, the gimmick has little effect overall, and usually it is better to trade it off for the additional weight of extra metal balls.

    • However the poor shape – both defensively and aerodynamically, are a letdown to its defensive ability and its ability to outspin opponents - some aggressive opponents can beat the stamina out of it too easily even with its RPM maintenance ability.

    • Because of these issues, Customize Metal Change Base with Defense Ring, despite being slightly lighter, is a significant alternative, as well as having better Stamina overall.

    • Main advantage over Customize Metal Change Base, aside from a marginal improvement in weight, is more consistent aggression, though Customize Metal Change Base's consistency improves slightly with launch practice.

    • It is worth noting however that the Phantom Force version of the part increases weight significantly, and combined with heavy parts like Ten Heavy, a Heavy Metal Core, as well as a Bit Chip Figure/Power Spirits Bit Chip or Metal Bit Chip and full complement of balls, the total weight using this or other particularly heavy samples can approach weights heavy enough to tip the balance towards themselves as some of the strongest defensive performance in the game, giving these SG Metal Ball Base combinations a noticeable advantage in this regard over Customize Metal Change Base and seeing improved grinding ability to somewhat offset the stamina limitations.

    • Overall top tier choice and the seminal part of Weight Based Defense.

Ball Configurations:

    • SG Metal Ball Base may be used with 0, 2 or 4 Balls - an even number in each pocket.

    • Performance generally increases as more Metal Balls are added, and it is generally recommended to stick with a full complement of 4 at all times.

Beyblades including this part
