Roller Attack Ring

Attack Ring: Roller Attack Ring

Weight: 4.2g

  • Right Spin Only

  • Gimmick is rollers on the AR – intended to reduce stamina/speed loss from hitting walls in tornado-ridge-less stadia.

  • Design is asymmetrical - on one side the section before the roller is raised, on the other it is depressed. These sections are thin, making the AR very breakage prone.

  • Asymmetrical design leads to poor balance, reducing its efficacy in, Defense and Survival which may otherwise be acceptable, if outclassed by Roller Defense Ring

  • Nonetheless, Right-Spin Zombie customizations using Wide Survivor (which protects it from its own recoil more effectively than Wide Defense) is generally the best use for the part.

  • Too much recoil for Compacts due to notches and large exposed face on one side

  • Small size defeats any use for offense, and poorly angled contact points mean that were it larger, it would still not be competitive.

  • Surprisingly usable on Gyro Engine Gear, while somewhat too recoil-prone to be a top tier choice, the small amount of attack combined with compact size, relatively light weight and small input from the rollers make it a viable, slightly more aggressive choice - however, this does not allow such setups to KO anything they cannot already outspin reliably with a more conservative AR.

  • Overall heavily outclassed.

Beyblades including this part
