RC Beyblade Cao Cao (Draciel V2)

Attack Ring: Strike Turtle

Weight: 4.8g

Right Spin:

    • Some Smash in this direction from the ends of the various segments of the AR, though the rounded shape of these limits their efficacy and the most exposed contact points at the end of these aren't very well angled, creating some recoil.

    • Too much recoil for Defense or Stamina in this direction.

    • Overall a slightly above average Smash AR but not competitive by any means. Nonetheless one of the better main-line Draciel ARs by merit of having anything even vaguely resembling usability.

Left Spin:

    • Still has some Smash Attack with one somewhat sharper contact point on the leading edge in this direction.

    • Less Smash than Right Spin however, and still too much recoil for Defense or Stamina

    • Overall not useful in this spin direction.

Blade Base: RC Semi-Flat Base

Note: This part is not legal under current World Beyblade Organisation rulings.

Weight: 37.2g

  • Remote Control Blade Base with a slightly narrow Semi-Flat tip.

  • Still rather aggressive due to its somewhat poor balance.

  • Tip is spring-mounted, which can wear eventually causing it to retract some. This also causes hopping at times.

  • Spring mounted tip skips the Tornado Ridge easily.

  • Narrow tip makes for poor stability, which causes the Base to topple early, and coupled with middling LAD this makes it unreliable compared to even RC Flat Base, let alone the premier RC Base RC Super Flat Base. Nonetheless, it will still occasionally outspin Circle Survivor Defense and in the rare chance it isn't sent flying, Driger V2 combos.

  • Even if it were legal without the RC Gimmick, it would be a mediocre part despite being reasonably heavy.


  • With a terrible AR and mediocre Blade Base, this Beyblade is only worth purchasing for collection purposes.