RC Beyblade Wolborg 4

Attack Ring: Star Wolf

Weight: 4.3g

    • Large, 6-pointed star shaped Attack Ring (to the point of "Sheriff Badge" jokes).

Right Spin:

    • Strong smash attack in Right Spin due to protruding "nose" contact points being acceptably angled, alongside the size of the AR and their acceptable exposure.

    • The other triangular protrusions only add recoil, weakening the Attack Ring compared to something like Triple Beak.

    • Suffers from significant recoil as a result.

    • Overall, not quite competitive in this direction, but legitimately usable.

Left Spin:

    • In this direction, the AR has no useful contact points.

    • Overall more recoil than Right Spin for significantly less power.

    • Not useful in this spin direction.

Note: This part is not legal under current World Beyblade Organisation rulings.

Weight: 37.6g

  • Remote Control Blade Base with a narrow tip, a narrow conical tip with the very tip cut off - really just a Sharp tip.

  • Very limited movement and hilariously poor stability

  • Tip is spring-mounted, which can wear eventually causing it to retract some and occasionally bounce, making stability even more awful.

  • Spring mounted tip and its sharp shape means it skips the Tornado Ridge easily

  • Middling LAD with no real precession due to poor stability.

  • Even if it were legal without the RC Gimmick, it would be an absolutely awful part despite being reasonably heavy - unlike the other RC bases which have at least some chance against relevant combos, RC Super Semi-Flat Base fails in every aspect.


  • While the AR is usable, this Beyblade lacks the exceptional parts of the original, instead having a woeful Blade Base. It should only be bought for collection purposes.