Hayate Base (Hasbro)
Note: The name of this part is unconfirmed.
Weight: 6.7g
Generally flat bottomed, this version has no cylinders extending downward thus has a truly flat bottom. AR and WD both clip onto it rather than the AR screwing on as in normal Beyblades.
Only compatible with Weight Ring.
Tip is a sharp tip used as tip of figurine's tail (and also some kind of crystal in Bakutenryu Zeo and Bakutenryu Aveiron's figurines).
Lack of downward protrusions only makes a meagre difference and this is still an awful part, albeit less awful than the Takara Version.
Poor stability, poor LAD, no aggression, and inability to use good parts mean it is a useless part, and the clip on nature combine to make this a spectacularly awful part.
Nonetheless, it was used by Mexico's World Championship winner alongside Tiger Defenser, proving that you should never give up on your dreams no matter how bad you are at something.
Still not as bad as Jumping Base (Trygle), and marginally better than Takara's Hayate Base.