Magne Flat Base
Weight: 4.7g
Has a removable tip and can house a range of Shafts and Tips, though the only useful ones are Customize Grip Base Tip and SG Grip Change Base Tip (using SG (Bearing Version 2)'s Casings), with SG Grip Base Tip also being a viable option.
Kind of like a lighter Customize Grip Base, but with no SP support- instead it has four wings which add some smash attack in Left but mostly cause recoil issues (significantly so in Right Spin).
Only useful for Attack types due to this - while it can fit various Defensive and Survival shafts it has poor LAD and recoil issues making it a poor choice for these.
There are better choices for SG Grip Change Base's Tip in SG (Bearing Version 2)'s Casings - Defense Grip Base 2, Customize Bearing Base and, on fresh tips, Customize Grip Base, but Magne Flat Base is still a competitive choice.
Main use where it isn't outclassed is using Customize Grip Base Tip with Dranzer V's unique Magnecore, allowing the use of the tip at lower heights (see Dranzer V for more information). With other SG's it is generally just a poorer version of Customize Grip Base.
A Right-Spin mirror exists in SG Grip Base.
Nonetheless, it remains a competitive part as most of the downsides aren't important for attack-oriented Beyblades.