Cross Fang

Attack Ring: Cross Fang

Weight: 3.7g

  • Thin, 4 sided AR with slight outward angles.

  • Decent balance but an unremarkable weight distribution.

Right Spin:

  • Fragile in this direction due to thin design and contact point angle.

  • Contact points lack range.

  • Also too outward angled to be an effective Attack AR, as hits are not well focussed and recoil is increased by providing excessive leverage to opponents.

Left Spin:

  • Competent Zombie AR in this direction due to relatively small size.

  • Somewhat more recoil-heavy than top tier options.

  • Weight distribution isn't very helpful.

  • Slightly too wide at the tips to have the low recoil needed to be a top tier Zombie part.

  • Nonetheless usable, but tier 2 to tier 3.

Beyblades including this part
